
People with creative mind-sets, interested in arts and culture, are not at all or not enough provided with learning opportunities for effective administrative leadership. While creative & cultural entrepreneurship („c/e-e‟ from now forth) are the win-win scenario that develop employment opportunities for already existing potential employees pool (like young people interested in arts & culture), it is barely comprehensible by this youth, especially in Eastern
Partnership countries where cultural policy mechanisms are far from being well-developed.

The project aims to develop an educative innovative pathway for boosting employability potential of NEETs throughout creative and cultural entrepreneurship education („c/c-e‟). Our project will deliver structured innovative approach towards educating youth on how to integrate entrepreneurship within the development of creative practices and to bring a creative approach to the development of new social businesses.

Throughout project The project‟s main output will be development of new models of working with young people with fewer opportunities, innovative tools and guidance that would allow youths to implement their own creative & cultural enterprises ideas independently. activities we will support unemployed youth in their ability to create innovation and provide them with entrepreneurial skills and attributes to commercialize their creative & cultural knowledge. Both youth workers & young people participating in the project will get theoretical knowledge on cultural economy & creative initiatives and develop techniques to move their creative & critical thinking to entrepreneurial thinking.

The project has following specific objectives:

  • to build capacity of consortium in the field of „c/c-e‟, enable transfer of practices among the partnership and foster cooperation between EU and EaP countries;
  • to create environment for networking and to equip youth workers with knowledge and specific competences in „c/c-e‟ education;
  • to create enabling environment for transferring the knowledge on „c/c-e‟ to NEETs and foster their transversal skills, sense of initiative & entrepreneurship and creative thinking;
  • to create comprehensive learning materials – toolkit and online platform – targeted to youth workers, stakeholders in the field of social entrepreneurship and potential entrepreneurs;
  • to promote social, cultural and creative entrepreneurship, active citizenship and non- formal learning on European level and in EaP countries;
  • to promote European policies in the field of social entrepreneurship and Erasmus+ on European level and in EaP.

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The project’s main output will be development of new models of working with young people with fewer opportunities, innovative tools and guidance that would allow youths to implement their own creative & cultural enterprises ideas independently.